Why Custom Mouthguards are Superior to Store-Bought Alternatives

July 25, 2021

If you have a child who is preparing for an upcoming sports season, you’re probably busy gathering all the final components so that he or she can be ready to go on day one. Because accidents can happen so fast when athletes are moving around fast, it’s important for your child to wear a mouthguard. While you can certainly find one at your local sporting goods store, is it the best option to choose? Continue reading to learn why you should consider custom mouthguards instead.


Why Custom Mouthguards are Superior to Store-Bought Alternatives

July 20, 2021

custom mouthguards for safe sports play

If you have a child who is preparing for an upcoming sports season, you’re probably busy gathering all the final components so that he or she can be ready to go on day one. Because accidents can happen so fast when athletes are moving around fast, it’s important for your child to wear a mouthguard. While you can certainly find one at your local sporting goods store, is it the best option to choose? Continue reading to learn why you should consider custom mouthguards instead.


5 Foods to Snack on to Keep Your Teeth White After Treatment

June 10, 2021

woman eating strawberry after teeth whitening

It’s no secret that lots of our favorite foods and drinks can cause tooth discoloration. Coffee, tea, and red wine are just a few big culprits. Over time, you may notice your smile darkening if you consume these drinks regularly. Luckily, a professional teeth whitening treatment can help eliminate these stubborn stains. But once you have your new pearly whites, you’re going to want to maintain your results.

Well, did you know some foods can actually whiten teeth over time? Read along to learn which ones not only offer nutritional benefits but can keep your grin bright after treatment.


Does Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening Work?

May 2, 2021

Woman before and after teeth whitening

Are you looking to enhance your smile? One of the ways that you can go about this is by opting for teeth whitening. After all, you want to show off a smile that makes you feel confident. Discoloration occurs naturally over time, but it is still one of the most common insecurities that people have when it comes to their teeth. You have several different teeth whitening options out there to choose from, but over-the-counter teeth whitening products aren’t usually your best bet. Read on to learn more about the harms of these kits and how you can whiten your teeth more effectively.


How Does Popcorn Affect Your Oral Health?

April 22, 2021


What’s your favorite way to end a busy week? For many, it is curling up on the couch to watch a movie with a big bowl of freshly popped popcorn. Americans eat approximately 15 billion quarts of it every single year! While this delicious, crunchy snack may be much better for your health than starchy potato chips or sugary cookies, popcorn is actually horrible for your teeth for many different reasons. Continue reading to learn more about how popcorn and oral health are related.


How Many Bacteria are Secretly Living Inside Your Mouth?

March 13, 2021

oral bacteria eating away enamel

When it comes to maintaining excellent dental health, an emphasis is placed on controlling the growth of oral bacteria. With that in mind, how many are present in your mouth at any given time? Continue reading to get the shocking answer, and to discover what you can do to encourage healthy and strong teeth and gums.


Dry Mouth: A Dangerous Problem for People of All Ages

February 26, 2021

woman drinking water to combat dry mouth

Has your mouth ever been so dry that it almost felt like sandpaper? Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, is more than just a nuisance. It may lead to serious dental health problems, to which people of any age can be vulnerable. In fact, dry mouth impacts an estimated 65% of people at some point in their lives. In this blog post, a dentist in Norwood discusses the dangers of dry mouth, its causes for people in various age groups, and how you can fight it.


New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthier Smile

December 16, 2020

Glasses of Champagne on New Year’s

2020 was quite the ride, but it is almost over. Have you thought about your New Year’s resolutions? Whether you are looking to drink more water or spend more time outdoors, your goal will benefit you in one way or another. Just like your resolutions, there is no better time than the start of the new year to start working on better teeth. Your dentist in Norwood shares some resolution ideas so you can strive towards optimal oral health for 2021!


How to Beat the 4 Most Common Oral Issues This Winter

November 9, 2020

Man wearing a coat with chapped lips

Cold weather usually means sweaters, heavy coats, boots, and hot drinks to warm you up. But for some, it also means increased oral problems. Issues like sensitive teeth, dry mouth, and chapped lips can make your winter miserable if you don’t know how to prevent or manage them. Luckily, your dentist in Norwood can help! Read below to learn a few tips and tricks to keep common winter mouth complications from ruining your holiday season.


4 Helpful Tips to Help You Navigate Your Dental Insurance

October 20, 2020

Dental insurance

A lot of people tend to use their health insurance more often than their dental insurance which can lead to some confusion. Even though there are lots of similarities between the two, there are also plenty of differences. This can make it difficult to completely understand. Your cosmetic dentist in Norwood is here to help. Here are four tips that can give you a better understanding of how your dental insurance works so you can navigate it more easily.
